Increase visibility and sales around Kerr Lake with advertising

analytics show over 20,000 unique page views in 1 week

People looked at Kerr Lake Guide over 16,000 times in just one week this time last year, from June 17 – 23, 2020 for a total of over 20,000 unique page views in one week.

Traffic goes up and down over time. In 2019 there were 535,884 viewer impressions on Kerr Lake Guide. From 2016 – 2020 there was an average of 345,341 viewer impressions per year.

Advertising options with sponsored ads


leaderboard ad mockup

The Leaderboard ad spot is for the business that wants to dominate. They appear first on the page, they are always seen, and they never have to share that spot.

The Leaderboard ad spot is sold to only one business per year and is exclusive to that business. That space is yours. If you have seasonal promotions or just like to change things up you have the option to send a new ad up to once per month and we’ll change it out for you in your spot.

Price: $8,995/yr OR $4,995 for 6 months

Spots Available: 1


sidebar ad spot mockup

The Sidebar ad spots cycle through up to ten ads. There are multiple spots in the sidebar that each display one of up to ten ads at random. Each ad is displayed for a minimum of thirty seconds before cycling through.

The Sidebar ad spots are available to up to only ten advertisers; if you want more coverage you can purchase more than one of the ten spots. Those spots are yours for 12 months. Like the Leaderboard ad spot, if you have seasonal promotions or just want fresh ads, you have the option to send a new ad up to once per month and we’ll change it out for you.

Price: $1,995/yr OR $1,195 for 6 months

Spots Available: 7 of 10

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